Apollo ~+~ At the arrival of his traveling partner, the Fire wolf didn't even look up. "Shut up." He bet she did't even see his offender. That look of terror, anger, hate...he had caused all of it. He was horrible. Even Hell was too rewarding for what he had done. "I deserve it. I deserve to rot forever in the deepest, darkest pit for all eternity." Apollo wished with all his hear that he hadn't fallen, had't made the mistake, hand't let his guard down. "Don't you dare tell me it's all right."
Grimmjow ~+~ Scrunching up his face, the puppy growled at all the noise as he tried to sleep. When it finally ended, he found he wasn't tired anymore. Getting up, he shook himself before his ice-blue orbs scanned the area around him. He growled at the sight of his mother. What was she going here? This was his adventure! His! His heart turned dark and he shot off into the underbrush, away from his mother. What did she care? She loved everyone more than him. She loved his sister more than him. She loved that stupid pink wolf more than him. She even loved that even more stupider blue wolf. Finding a crack through the rocks, he squeezed through it and crawled to the opening in the back of the tiny cave. When he got out, it was open with lots of trees to hide under. Good.
Slinking out, he dove under a root and watched for any sign of his mother. Suddenly, there was a yawn from his left side, and the puppy jumped. To his surprise, and electric blue lizard blinked and crawled out from under a rock. Grimmjow sprang back, hackles raised. "Who are you?" The lizard blinked her golden eyes and yawned again. "Keep it down. What's a cat have to do to get some peace and quiet?" Her tail whipped from side to side as its owner became uncomfortable with the snarling wolf staring at her. " Keep your pants on. I'm Pantera. It means 'Panther'. Who are you?" The white-and -blue pup snarled, but then complied. "My name's Grimmjow."
After analyzing the strangely-colored reptile, he finally decided that it was okay to play with. As soon as he brushed the scales, a surge of power flowed into him, making him cry out in pain. What was going on? His attitude-filled demeanor became very frightened and he bolted as lightning fried the landscape around him. "Mama!" He had meant to swerve and miss the edge of the cliff, but he was going faster than he was used to, and missed the turn and dropped onto the steep cliff-side. Tumbling down, down, down, he curled into a ball and shut his eyes tight as trees burst into flames around him as white flashes electrocuted them. It was terrifying.
As soon as his paws touched level ground, Grimmjow shot into the underbrush, trying to outrun the lightning. His front paw caught on a rock and he tripped, landing on something hard. The electricity caught up to him, and surged through his body. An agonized scream tore through the mountains as the puppy thought he would explode as the charge intensified ad the earth turned to glass beneath him. Then, with a loud crack, the lightning storm was over, leaving the terrified puppy shaking in fear and pain. He tried to open his mouth to call for help, but it felt unnaturally heavy. He lifted his head and rubbed his cheek. There was something hard...What was it? Looking down, he winced at the sight of a shattered skull. That was wierd...Maybe it stuck to his face? If so, he could easily get it off later, but for now, it was a struggle to remain conscious.
Determined not to show any sign of weakness, the pup pulled himself onto his aching feet, ignoring the painful muscle spasms he was experiancing. His fur was still crackling and standing on end. Arching his neck to try to lick it down, he was stopped in mid-lick. His fur had shanged color. There was now a collar of black around his shoulders and a band of ebony around his waist. But those areas didn't hurt. He checked out his paws too. Parts of them were now a dark shade, too. His electric blue eyes narrowed at his reflexion in the glassy surface beneath him and he gasped and leaned in closer. There was a jawbone attatched to his face...
-- Edited by Shomei on Wednesday 11th of August 2010 09:21:49 PM
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
As he disembarked the mountain slowly but surely, making his way down as he yawned and tried not to slip on the icey rocks. It wasn't long till he lept down a step, and came in contact with a female. He lowered his ears, 'ugh, a female. Last thing I want to see right now.' He would have done something like, kick snow at her, or maybe snap at her till she got out of his way, but Naomi looked a little troubled, and his curiosity peak set in, "are you ok, miss..?" He asked, scrunching his head and pulling back after he asked, 'ugh, your an idiot, now look what you did, now you can't leave, until the whole problem is solved' he growled lightly at himself in his throat, but it was almost nothing for the wind wiped out the noise that carried from his throat.
"Nonsense," V said, deciding to stick to english for this one. She ignored his cruel words, for she knew Apollo was just confused right now. V carefully sorted through all of his words and his thoughts before speaking again, so she wouldn't make any mistakes. "Apollo do not forget that I can see everything you've seen having to do with this. As the thoughts race through your head I see them, vivid and clear. You made a mistake, this is true. But how can you atone for your actions if you are dead? Nothing good will come from that, just a carcass for the vultures. Naomi will not forgive you if you are dead." V said this all evenly, giving the male solid facts that he could undertsand.
"The way you can fix this, fire wolf, is by living. Living your life now in an effort to make up for the past. You can go back to her and offer to help her with the pups that are yours. You can make up for it, gain her forgiveness." V said, watching Apollo carefully. She thought her words would reach home with him, but one could never be sure.
♈Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri ♑Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace ♈Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva ♈Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala ♌Haxik/ Air/ Loner/Calix ♐Vergrandis "V" Unus/ Physic/ Loner/ Hunnam
bic: Apollo ~+~ "She'll never forgive me," Apollo muttered stubbornly. He saw the look in her eyes, and it made him want to burn. It was an iroic thought. Despite trying to keep the Psychic wolf's voice out of his head, he couldn't help but find a snippet of hope in what she said. "Alright. Fine. You win. I'll go back, happy? Just...give me a few minutes." His orange-stripped tail slowly dragged along the ground until it tickled his nose.
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
"I think she will," V said, watching with relief as Apollo backed away from the edge. V stood at his side, putting herself between him and the ledge, and walked with him wherever he was headed. "I'm right you know," she said, her eyes twinkling with truth. "And I am quite happy." V admitted, keeping the smile off of her face. V stopped walking when Apollo asked for a few minutes. "Sure. I'll be here," she said, sitting down.
♈Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri ♑Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace ♈Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva ♈Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala ♌Haxik/ Air/ Loner/Calix ♐Vergrandis "V" Unus/ Physic/ Loner/ Hunnam
Apollo ~+~ Orange eyes veered over to where V sat, giving her a 'you're such a sore winner' look. He didn't like it when females were right. It made him feel insignificant and deflated his ego a bit. The Fire wolf licked at his pelt nervously, trying to think of what to say. He was sure the female didn't want to see hide nor hair of him-for a very long while. He already apologized, so what now could he do? Offer Equinox as collateral? Apollo go tot his feet and began to pace around. Whatever could he do? Taking a breath, he slowly and delibretely made his way back, tail dragging on the ground, trying to make his journey back as long as possible.
He immediately stopped as lightning began striking the mountain and a storm of electricity caused the air to smell of ozone. What in the world was that? Deciding to delay his meeting, he went to investigate, very much surprised at the cause. It was a pup-the same one from before. He looked like he was in pain.
"Hey." Electric blue eyes burned holes into his own, and the puppy snarled, neon blue-mane rising and giving him a fearsome appearance. "Look, I'm not here to hurt you. I want to help." Apollo took a step. Grimmjow didn't move.
In an action faster than he himself could see, the blue-black-and white halfling had the other wolf pinned to a tree by a surging rope of electricity. "Shut up!" Grimmjow snarled, not at all caring about the grown male and his screams of pain-in fact, he enjoyed them. A sneer formed upon his maw as he tightened his hold.
Apollo gasped for breath as his lungs were being crushed by the electrical current and his organs began to spazz out. "St-stop...please," he rasped, trying to push his restraint away but found his well-build frame was turning to jelly. finally when he could stand it no longer, gave up fighting and sank into unconsciousness.
Grimmjow roared in triumph as he defeated his first foe. He hoped that male would never come around again. Now that he had won, he needed to think fo a cooler-sounding name. Grimmjow was great, as it sounded grim, but he needed something fierce. His mind wandered to the jagged bolts of lightning he now controlled. "Jeagerjacques...." He murmured, wanting to feel the effect, and found it quite pleasing. "Remember my name, because the next time you hear it, I'll kill you. Grimmjow Jeagerjacques!"
Waiting patently for his newfound helper to crawl onto his now-blackened shoulder, the newly christened pup attempted to walk away, but his adrenalin rush had died down and he was now extremely weak. Following his father's example, he too met the darkness.
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Naomi sighed as her son darted off away from her again. She would have to go and recieve him. No doubt Zane was probably wondering where she was with him, they had better return soon. Slowly dragging herself up to a standing position, Naomi froze on the spot at the sight of another male, a large green one. Finding her voice, she simply stated, "Y-Yes, I'm alright. I just need to go find my son that just ran off." She said, giving a sheepish grin that gave her a look of weariness.
Her ears lifted up and her eyes flickered over to the location where her son ran off, a sharp lighting flashed in the distance over there. Soon, a sharp cry seemed to roll over the winds as it was quite silent ontop of the mountain so it was clear as day to her. All her thoughts were about Grimmjow. "Grimmjow!" She gasped and without another word, she raced off past the male and toward the fire. "Honey, I'm coming," She puffed out, her chest clentched as she pushed herself with a newfound adrenaline pumping. She hoped that Grimmjow was alright, how could she be so foolish and not follow after him immediatly.
Skidding to a halt, she looked over a small clift and noticed Grimmjow was at the bottom of it blacked out with that horrid wolf nearby him. Naomi leaped down the clift, one by one, afraid of skidding down and tumbling down herself. Near the bottom, she leaped down and ran to meet up with her son. Her eyes grew watery and Naomi bit her lip. He was quite hot and looked like some blackened fur along his body, near his shoulder. "Oh, my Grimmjow,"She said in a hushed, pained voice and cradled around her pup. "Mama's here, Mama's here," She wrapped herself around him and ignored her body when it was heating up.
She ignored Apollo, who was over nearby, almost in the same condition. All she cared about was her son and hoped that he would be alright. She feared that he had hurt him and wished this wolf would just leave her presence and life, become only a figment of her memory that she wished to forget. Naomi placed a icy paw to her son's head to help try and wake him back to conciousness.
bic: Pantera ~+~ "N? Hey, Grimmjow. Wake up. C'mon. This is no time to be sleeping." Teh blue lizard sighed, and decided her claws were more interesting than her unconscious wolf. There was a clatter of small rocks, like the kind that would dislodge if stepped on, adn she looked up to find a blue-and-white wolf hopping down. Pantera hissed and puffed up, hoping to scare whoever it was away. They appeared to be set on comming to Grimmjow. The reptile growled. She hadn't been here long, and the female looked a bit like her wolf, and she smelled like him, and she knew his name, so she must be related. Then, sticking out her tongue like she had eaten something disgusting, the Helper scampered off, curled up, and began lightly snoring.
There was something in his conscious that told him someone was out there. He knew he had taken down that disgusting Fire wolf; he wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. His mother was still around, and a bunch of other random wolves he didn't really care about. But who could be saying 'Mama's here, Mama's here'? It was probably his mother. And he didn't really feel like blowing her off right now, so he obediantly opened his eyes. "Mm...Mama..?"
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
He watched the frantic mother scamper off, only to approach her son who had caused quite a scene before his very eyes. Enkis eyes widened, as a flash of memory flew through the mind of his own. Farah, was larger in the stomach before he had left.. and Avery.. oh Avery.. what could have happened to her? Was she pregnent too? The curiosity was painful as he looked out amungst the forest, high enough to view the beach.
Apollo ~+~ The Fire wolf wearily pried his eyes open, and tried to pull in air, but something irritated his throat and he coughed as hard as his strength allowed. A moment later and thick, sticky goop oozed from his jaws, melting with his pelt. Fighting the pain from the electrocution, he pulled himself from a laying-position to a sitting one, to finally a standing one. Becomming extremely light-headed, he had to lean heavily upon the burnt tree he had been restrained to. Biting his blood-caked lip, he stared remorsefully at the mother and pup. "Is...there anything...I can do?" He murmured, wondering if he had spoken loud enough to be heard. His pup looked like he was in terrible condition, and Apollo wanted to help, not for himself, but for his offspring.
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Finally reaching the bottom, he noticed the mother tending to her pup, and a mal, who looked like he was in immense pain. A smile crept against Enkis face as he watched the male suffer. Snickering as he padded away, he ignored the group, not caring enough to help them out. He ventured on into the forest, making a quick stop by his starting cave to pickup Kiwi, who took a nice spot in Enkis large mane, making it somewhat like a nest.
Apollo ~+~ Orange eyes swiveled to meet blue, and the Fire wolf summoned the strength to growl at the earth-colored male. It probably wouldn't do anything, but it would give him a warning to stay away. Though his body wasn't able, the fire under his command was. Mournful orbs again on Naomi, he looked to her for her answer, as he was more than willing to get anything she needed for thier son.
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
He walked up the mountain said careful of his stepping. He found a low cliff and stepped onto it he looked down and could see right though the part of the mountain. He shook his head and said "Weird.." It was the glass from Grimmjow but he just pressed it to the back of his mind and continued on.He found himself in need of a cave so he walked up to the side of the mountain and with an action quite like throwing up he spit acid all along the rocks and as the rock disinagrated before his very eyes he breathed deep enjoying the scent of the melting rock. He walked in and than said "Not deep enough." He repented his actions again and again while Veneno watched at the entrance of the cave. He gasped as his cave melted into another and he walked though the hole. He looked around and saw diamonds along the walls
Naomi craddled Grimmjow, giving him caressing ontop of his head. "Yes, Mama's here." She repeated softly, glad that he was slowly coming back into reality. Her eyes flashed at Apollo's voice, she glared at him but the harshness in her eyes continued to flicker back into fear. What if he used this chance of her weakness for her pup to threaten and harm her again? Choking on words, she spat them out with a coldness that she had never expected she could ever do.
"No," She said firmly, "You have done enough. Now, please. Let me be. I have to return back to my pack. My mate is probably worried about me and seeing my pup in this condition is all that I can bear." Naomi quickly stood up, grasped her pup by the scruff of his neck with a great amount of gentleness. Without another word, Naomi turned and bounded off with speed down the snowy rocks. Her large paws used to ice and snow made her decend with ease.
She wanted to leave the mountains, where her nightmare had resurfaced. Before she could harmed again, or worse, her pup could be harmed again. Naomi wanted to feel the saftey of the pack again, the saftey of her mate at her side watching her pups grow into beautiful wolves. Away from all the pain.
Apollo ~+~ The Fire wolf winced. That...wasn't entirely unexpected, but it was bitter and painfully harsh. Ears flat against his skull, his flame-colored eyes trailed after Naomi. But he made no motion to move. Sighing heavily, Apollo blew a bit of flame on some dry grass and lay in the fire, feeling his wounds slowly but surely heal. He frowned, feeling the guilt still gnaw his insides. But he would just have to deal with it.
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
V scented acid on the air, and in her curiosity found herself moving toward it. Hunnam followed nervously, never liking new situations. Soon V found Vierro's cave, and she invited herself in. "Abyssus?" V said timidly, looking into the darkness. Her tribal markings glowed a bit in the darkness, and V's blue eyes glittered as she stared at the diamonds on the wall. "Bellus...." V said in astonishment at the beauty of the cave. She didnt see Vierro inside the cave, she was too focused on the diamonds.
♈Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri ♑Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace ♈Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva ♈Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala ♌Haxik/ Air/ Loner/Calix ♐Vergrandis "V" Unus/ Physic/ Loner/ Hunnam
V turned her head as she saw a sudden movement in front of her. She watched the glowing pair of eyes before her with interest as Hunnam hopped forward to watch the other wolf as well. "Abyssus," V repeated, her shining blue eyes directed at the acid wolf before her. Vierro, his name was, as far as V could tell. And as all the other wolves V had met, he unfortunately did not speak latin. "Latin? No? Hello. Is english better?" V wondered with a small smile. She thought to herself that she must look odd in the diamond light, for the sparkle reflected on her marks.
♈Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri ♑Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace ♈Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva ♈Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala ♌Haxik/ Air/ Loner/Calix ♐Vergrandis "V" Unus/ Physic/ Loner/ Hunnam
"Psychic," she said, answering the question in the wolf's mind. She smiled, revealing her perfectly sharp teeth. She turned her blue eyes down at the ground, wondering if perhaps it was not the best idea to reveal her element right away. But then again, it made the playing field a bit more level for him. V tilted her head to the side and stared at the acid wolf, looking into his eyes. They were a pretty color to V. "I like your eyes," she said, almost dreamily.
♈Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri ♑Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace ♈Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva ♈Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala ♌Haxik/ Air/ Loner/Calix ♐Vergrandis "V" Unus/ Physic/ Loner/ Hunnam
He looked back as he felt Veneno hiss happily he shook the snake slightly then looked back to V "Uhhh well thanks." He tried to force a smile but it wasn't as happy as he had tried for it was a littel bit like a grimice but i his mind he though 'Well it's quite rare that I get compiments.' Infact he hadn't gotten any compliments since he left his old pack...Vierro mentally slapped himself because he then just remembered she was psychic. "I'm and acid wolf.. And my names Vierro but you probably already knew that."
"I did know that," she winked with a chuckle, and listened to his slightly scattered thoughts. "No problem about the compliment, you should get more of them," she said simply, her head turning to the side like a dog. V blinked a few times as she got distracted by the diamonds, and Hunnam thumped his foot down loudly on her paw so she would pay more attention. "Aie!" she yelped slightly at the rabbit and gave him a little glare which he ignored.
♈Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri ♑Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace ♈Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva ♈Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala ♌Haxik/ Air/ Loner/Calix ♐Vergrandis "V" Unus/ Physic/ Loner/ Hunnam
He felt awkward having his head gone though. He smiled at her and said "Thank you very much." He looked down and then his eyes found hers again when she yelled "Something wrong?"
"No, just my helper," she said with a little growl, looking down at the rabbit who smiled. "He can be a bit of an annoyance sometimes," V admitted, shaking her head. Hunnam spoke very little then latin so he wouldn't understand most of what she was saying anyway.
♈Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri ♑Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace ♈Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva ♈Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala ♌Haxik/ Air/ Loner/Calix ♐Vergrandis "V" Unus/ Physic/ Loner/ Hunnam
V smiled and laughed, looking at the snake. "He's cute," she said, moving forward toward Vierro to get a better look. She peered at the snake above the wolf's head, standing on her toes just to try to see. Even then she wasn't quite tall enough. "You make me feel short," she said, sitting down and pouting playfully.
♈Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri ♑Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace ♈Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva ♈Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala ♌Haxik/ Air/ Loner/Calix ♐Vergrandis "V" Unus/ Physic/ Loner/ Hunnam
He grinned and said "Yea I guess you are a bit short.." He felt awkward in social situation and he didn't want to seem mean so he was trying to be nice...even if this was a female.
V heard the wolf's thoughts but made no indication that she heard them. Even if she was a female? What did that mean? V finally found herself wondering. She didn't concentrate too hard on it though, for V didn't think it was fair to rummage through Vierro's memories as to why he had made such a thought. "I know I am," she said with a small laugh, looking down to her small paws.
♈Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri ♑Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace ♈Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva ♈Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala ♌Haxik/ Air/ Loner/Calix ♐Vergrandis "V" Unus/ Physic/ Loner/ Hunnam
Although he felt awkward he kept a slight smile on his face hopfully she knew he wasn't attempint to be rude but that was just how he had been brought up. He thought her words over and then his helper nudged gim and whispered 'Ask he if she'd like to go hunting.' Vierro glared at Veneno and then looked at V lowered his eyes and muttered "Would you like to g hunting...with me?"
V watched the male before her with curious eyes. He wanted her to go hunting with him. V didn't enjoy hunting much, she always felt guilty since the biggest thing she could catch were rabbits and Hunnam always got offended. But despite her lack of hunting skills and her desire to hunt, V smiled and said, "Sure." Hunnam looked at her judgementally as V knew he would, and she picked up the rabbit gently and placed him on her back. "I must admit thought i'm not a great hunter," V chuckled.
♈Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri ♑Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace ♈Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva ♈Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala ♌Haxik/ Air/ Loner/Calix ♐Vergrandis "V" Unus/ Physic/ Loner/ Hunnam
He nodded and said "You don't have to if you don't want to..My helper just trys to make me make friends." He looked down at his paws then back at her "Thats fine I'll help you."
Artemis ~+~ The blue wolf skidded to a halt at the base of the mountain, chest heaving as she tried to pull in a breath. Apollo was here-he had to be. Somewhere. Waiting until she had caught her breath, Artemis began to scale the mountain, long legs spread wide for weight distribution. the she-wolf paused once again, neck arching over her back to wait for Zorr.
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
"It's alright I'd love to accompany you," the she wolf said with a smile. She motioned with her head for Vierro to lead the way out, since V didn't know if he has a specific hunting place in mind. Well, she did know, but thoughts always changed and she didn't know where she was going. Hunnam looked up at V for her to pick him up, and she did so obediently.
♈Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri ♑Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace ♈Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva ♈Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala ♌Haxik/ Air/ Loner/Calix ♐Vergrandis "V" Unus/ Physic/ Loner/ Hunnam
He walked out of the cav his tail held high as well as his ears pushed back. He turned to look at her and then turbned back. He noticed his coat was getting quie long and soft...closer to winter.He looked around and then began his decent down the mountain.
Apollo ~+~ The fire wolf stiffened as his sister's scent billowed toward him. Great, just great... Despite the weak fire he had managed to conjure, his wounds were still deep. Try as he might to stand, the most he could do was lay there in pain. A tear slid down his cheek and he grit his teeth together, trying not to appear weak.
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
As she was wondering, she came upon a clump of wolf, that looked to be in pretty rough shape. Meiko couldn't refrain from approaching, watching the wolf whle tryng to figure out what had happened to him. Still not very close, she observed, and fnally gave in. Curiosiity sprung and she dug nto his memories. So his name was Apollo, and apparently.. a little blue jolt of lghtnng had done this? Wth her eyes closed, she pictured his thoughts, all in the while she finally caught a glmpse of what seemed to be a pup, whom was carred away by a mother.. and appolo was the father? But.. why would...? Meiko opened her eyes, staring at the male, unable to beleve that he had raped that poor female.
She backed up a bt, and would have ran, but was too concerned about this wolves pain to just desert hiim, so she sat there,silently hoping he would be okay.
The alpha felt instantly cold as he ascended up the mountain following closely behind Artemis. He was not used to nimbly walking up such a steep cliff and watching where he placed his paws. He was definitly built for the forest, not this enviornment. Zorr pulled up besides her, standing with a proud stance or attempting to without becoming into an awkward fumble.
"Where do you think he is, Artemis?" Zorr shouted over the howling wind around them. It was quite harsh and Zorr was thankful that his pack didn't live up here. It would be hard to keep a fire up without weakening his body from keeping up with the extinguishing flame.
Apollo ~+~ At first, the Fire male didn't notice the presence behind him. But the moment he felt that familiar feeling of having his mind prodded through, he rose to his feet, despite the pain, hackels raised. His head swayed toward the smaller female and he growled low in his throat. "That's personal!" He rumbled fiercely, sending a weak outburst of fire towards the female. He didn't want anyone's help, especially after they violated his privacy. What was his mind, an open book? "Go away!" Apollo roared, taking a step that caused his mind to explode with fire. Letting out a pained cry, he collapsed into a trembling mess, not helped by the chilling wind.
Artemis ~+~ Artemis breathed a bit easier as her alpha appeared beside her. So he had managed to keep up after all. That was good. She felt a bit safer with him around, though he did seem a bit awkward on the mountain top. She shivered violently as the wind seemed to pick up even more and she had to strain to hear a wolf no more than three feet away from her. Where was Apollo? She couldn't hear him. She couldn't see him. The Water wolf attempted to get over the fact that thee ciy cold weather stabbed into her lungs and made her feel like her throat would begin to bleed. Yelping as a wave of pain washed over her, her midnight blue eyes filled with panic and she surged up the mountain cliff, not at all taking care of where she stepped. Once or twice she slipped and would have fallen down had not her quick hunting reflexes and flexible form saved her. The only thing she knew in this horrible place was that Apollo was hurt and he needed her despretely.
She pulled herself up on a ledge and paused to catch her breath. As she struggled to fill her lungs with the frosty air, her sharp eyed noticed a mound of fur. Upon closer inspection, it was scarlet, orange, and yellow. Apollo! Not paying any attention to the strange female wolf, she sprinted to her brother's side and nearly tackled him out of pure excitement, but then swiftly stopped herself. He smelled like burnt flesh. Artemis gasped at the wounds, circling around him, and licked at them, causing her brother to yelp. The female stopped and took a step back. Firmly, she gazed into his eyes. "Apollo, Zorr is here. We came to see if you were alright. You need help, and we're going to help you, but afterwords..." The blue wolf paused, letting the words sink in. "I'm going to beat your sorry tail, got it?" She warned before tilting her head to the winds and letting a piercing howl escape her frozen throat. Hopefully, Zorr would here and come.
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Her ears lowered. Normally, she had been so good about not invading another wolves privacy, and the one time she finally breaks her record, she is immediatly punished. Meiko lowered her head, and soon jumped as a quick female tackled the injured male. Watching, she shivered with fear, too afraid to listen in on their minds, and too afraid to move. Her helper nudged her, Pollo had flown down to her shouldar and was trying to calm her down. "Its okay Meiko. Let's leave them be," he said, and as Meiko listened, she finally agreed, and teleported away.
Zorr blinked his eyes and before he could react, Artemis was already clambering away to search for her brother. Zorr followed after her, getting the hang of the mountain after a little while. Some variety of sized rocks tumbled down behind her as she walked up the ledges, causing the alpha to do a side step to the side and find an alternative route up. He squinted his eyes to look past the frosty-like fog that lured around the mountain as they ascended. Hearing the familiar howl of the Sera hunter, Zorr took note and traced it to a location that was just a little farther up. Zorr climbed over until he reached them.
Zorr's face contorted into a stern look mixed with annoyance towards the icey wind pelting his face. The warrior looked hurt and in quite an amount of pain. The psychic female was no where to be found. Oh, how foolish Zorr was to allow Apollo be accompanied alone with a strange wolf into unknown territory!
"Apollo, what happened? Are you alright?" He asked, his warm breath steaming the chilly air.
Apollo + Artemis ~+~ Orange eyes gazed upwards at the Alpha, but Apollo's mouth remained shut. If he told what happened, he would have to give the back story on it. But if he didn't tell what was wrong, then they couldn't fix it. Finally, after his conscious chewed him out, and after giving a silent last testimony, he decided to speak, using all his strength to stand on all four paws, despite the icy wind that cut deep into his wounds like knives. His breath unsteady, he wavered to-and fro before averting his gaze to the ground. "I did something I shouldn't have and I..." The Fire wolf was silent for a long few moments. He fought the urge to look at his sister and swallowed hard. "I betrayed the pack, Zorr. I let my urges get the better of me and-" His normally sturdy body was racked with tremors as he stopped again. His head was arched against his breast and he grit his teeth with the suffocating guilt. "Apollo..." Came his sister's voice, calculating, and mortified. He couldn't take it. He just couldn't. "I raped a Ronoh wolf!" He cried with agony, as though his soul was being ripped out of his chest. "And she bore my pup." All his strength vanished with those words, and he felt numb and unreal. "I'm sorry, Zorr. Just kick me out now, and let me die here."
Artemis stood with her maw wide open. How could...? Apollo? Did what? She was astounded, and in disbelief, blinking rapidly. This couldn't be happening. Why did Apollo do such a thing? Who knew how Zane was going to react to that? "Apollo!" She growled at him, teeth flashing in the wind. He doomed the pack! Yes, he was her brother, and she had a duty to him...but... "Apollo..." She couldn't say anything more, but looked on to the Alpha. The decision was his.
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
It was chilly and the sun was setting, climbing the mountain was becoming more and more unpleasent as the time carried on. The female was no longer enjoying this quest, and almost turned around as the flurries continued to blind her vision.
If it weren't for her warm winter coat, she would have frozen to death by now. The female let out a sigh, cold air showing through her breath. Taking each step by step, the white and violet female almost shreiked as her footstep was followed by the falling of rocks. Unable to stop now, she continued to run, rocks falling beneath her from each step.
Rumbling snow was heard as her most unfavorite thing was about to begin - an avalanche. But she was almost there, she could feel it. Running uphill, normally what a wolf would avoid, was her destiny. Finally, as the saw the snow piling for her, she found her cave. Diving in just in time, the small and deserted mountain she had been living on now piled down with snow.
Lying in her cave, the female, who's name was Aeris, couldn't bare to look towards the entrance of the cave. She could feel the darkness around her, and she knew for a fact she was buried. She wouldn't need the visual, it would all be too sad.
Taking advantage of the darkness, she decided to rest. It had been a long and unsuccessful hunt, and finally being home made her feel exhausted. Closing her eyes, the female slept in her buried cave, knowing once again, no one would find her.
Aeris had been living on the mountain for a good year now, without any disturbance to others. She liked it there - it was peaceful and quiet, but it did get lonely at times. She had been thinking about traveling to other mountains, maybe other wolves she would come across may help her find food? She was starving, and her ribs were sticking out. . . but who ever wanted to be friends with a psychic?
-- Edited by Emily on Thursday 28th of October 2010 10:07:32 PM
Zorr pointed his ears forward as Apollo began to speak, listening closely to the wolf as he would explain what had happened. Betrayed the pack, what was Apollo talking about. Zorr took a few steps forward and tilted his head to listen. He had never seen the warrior in such a wreck before, something was truley haunting this wolf.
At Apollo's confession, Zorr felt his ears burn from this newfounded knowlege despite the coldness of the air around him. He raped a Ronoh wolf...and she has his pups. His head reeled as to try and figure out what to do. Rapings between packs were quite notorious when Zorr was newly alpha from his older members after they won a battle. He did nothing, let it slide by and ignore it, but things have changed and Zorr didn't know how to handle it. A small part of him wanted to fight to get Apollo's pup to raise, but that would create much controversy that could split his own pack up.
"Apollo..." The alpha finally said after a long pause, it was an exasperated sigh. "Despite your crime, I shall not kick you out of Sera pack." Zorr shifted, hiding is uncomfortability with this topic as he didn't have a punishmnet or conclusion to give out at the moment. "Who else knows? Does Zane know of this?"He asked, worried that Zane would take this oppertunity to fall down onto Sera while the three of them were up in the mountains.
Zorr gripped into the snow as the tumblings of snow came from above. His head snapped upward toward the mountain peak and he squinted his eyes. No... Zorr could see ripples of snow descend down toward the trio. "Avalanche!" Zorr howled out, instinctivly leaping in front of Artemis and Apollo to sheild them from the heaviest of it. He buffered his head against Apollo's red shoulder, "Find a cave, make sure you two are safe."He ordered to the warrior, standing his ground and lighting his paws with a small fire as the wind continued to knock it out after it grew to large. His pack members were first and he wanted them to be protected. His eyes grew large as the snow came down at a fast rate.
What felt like hours, only seemed to be around two minutes. Aeris couldn't sleep any longer, she felt the air tightening and she was growing worried of suffocating. Standing, she streched slightly before approaching the wall of snow before her.
"Now, how in the world will I get out of here?" She mumbled to herself. Lifting one of her paws, she poked the snow. It felt similar to a brick wall, and scratching it sent chills down her side like a nail on a chalkboard.
"If only I were fire," She said, sitting down and accepting defeat, she might as well suffoctate.
"But I'm only psychic," A small curl formed on her lips as she closed her eyes, focusing for awhile before she was inturrupted.
"YOU MEAN, YOU WERE ABOUT TO TELEPORT OUT OF HERE WITHOUT ME?" A squeeky voice was heard, and if it weren't for those enormous eyeballs, Aeris would have never seen Bugsy approaching her. She let out a small giggle.
"No of course not," She said, Picking up the small monkey and placing it on her back, "Hold on tight now," She said. Returning to her earlier focus, Aeris teleported out of her cave, ending up at the bottom of the mountain.
"Alright, we're sa-" She paused. What was that noise? Turning, she noticed that she had accidently teleported infront of the avalanche that was still falling. Frozen in shock, she noticed another wolf, who looked as if he were about to take on the Avalanche. What was she going to do now?
(He's been so lonely I think Karma forgot abou him...)
Vierro felt the ground shaking and liiked up to see the snow tumbling down the mountain he was to far from his origanalk cave to get to it in timer and then his eyes frantically looked, looked for a safe bplace. He then looked at V and shook his head. He had to keep her safe..He found a narrow part of te mountain a bit that went straight up and then curved to make a ridge on the flat surface Vierro put acid. The scent of melting and disinagrating rock reaching his nose. and a matter of moments he hd a small hole big enough for him and V deep enough so they could crawl to the back. He scampered inside belly to the floor. He was hoping V could teleport them out after.He felt the snow rumbling outsie and watched at a wall of white somehow still moving rushed past the small opening.
Artemis + Apollo ~+~ The blue wolf's ears went back to lay firmly against her skull. Zorr looked angry... Her frightened blue eyes flickered over to her brother and Artemis clenched her teeth together. She truely didn't want her brother to be kicked out of the pack, though her word and actions spoke differently. But despite that, she allowed herself a heavy, relieved breath at Zorr's decision. She'd have to thank him later.
After a long silence, Apollo slowly shook his head. "No, I don't think so. The female knew but I don't think she told anyone else. She smelled like another male, so maybe she wants everyone to think the pups were his?" It was just a suggestion, a simle theory he had, but it was all he had. His head tilted up at the rumbling noise and Apollo nearly froze. That wasn't good... Despite his weakness, the Fire wolf held his ground against the onslaught of snow. He had to protect his sister...
Artemis yelped and snapped her jaws on Apollo's pelt. Following Zorr's orders, she managed to half-drag half lead her older brother into a cave where he collapsed into unconsciousness from the strain. The Water wolf's ears pressed against her head as she gazed out of the shelter. "Zorr!" What if he got sweapt away? What if he died? Oh, she had to help, but what could she do? Reaching out with her element, she gathered the water from the ice and snow Zorr melted to form a protective wave to shield her alpha-but it wouldn't last long. "Zorr!"
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Zorr had his ears flattened against his head and despite the howling wind around him, he could hear Artemis's cry above it all. His muscles twitched quickly to cause him to turn his body to make sure they had gotten to saftey. Just as he wished, they were safe. Turning back to look at the avalanche, he could feel his blood pulsing quickly as he decided that he should run, race off to the shelter. However, it was upon him and the snow pelted into the water sheild that appeared out of thin air before him.
It blocked out a good portion of it. Zorr planted himself firmly to brace it and lit himself in a huge wall of fire, letting the flames branch out around him. The huge amount of force was no match, causing it to tumble through the barrier and fall down upon him. His flames were smothered without even a fight against this natural disaster. His body writhered around as he was swept under by the snow. There was little to nothing he could do, except to take it and accept his fate.
The Sera alpha finally felt it almost let up, or was it? All he could see around him was pure white and he was packed in tightly with thick walls of snow around him. How far was he under this snow? How far was he dragged away from Artemis and Apollo? Were they still okay, hopefully they were able to escape after the avalanche passed them by. Zorr prodded the packed wall of snow in front of him with his nose. His body ached all over and it was oddly warm under all this snow. The fire wolf had no energy left to try and dig, he would have to regain some before trying to breach the surface, however far it was. Zorr knew he would only have a short time to relax before trying as he had limited oxygen in this chamber.
Looking around, she noticed a tree, in which she threw her helper behind it quickly, before being pelted by the avalanche. Catching another glimpse of the fire wolf that was also taken out, the blow of the snow knocked the wind out of Aeris, almost sending her into unconciousness. Gasping for breath, her world spinned round and round, until finally she felt herself stop.
Feeling weak from the crumble, she didn't know which end was up. Being psychic though, it would be easy to escape, had she not been dazed and exhausted. Closing her eyes, she tried to teleport out of her enclosed pack of snow, but could not manage to escape. Concentrating, she felt vibrations - That fire wolf had to be close! But where was she? She closed her eyes again, managing to send out a weak signal, a thought towards the male.
'Where are you? I'm trapped too, maybe I can save you and myself, make a loud noise, so I can find you' She sent towards Zorr, hoping he would somehow hear her call through his mind.
Wriggling, Aeris felt her spine shiver, causing her whole body to tremble. The avalanche had caused her to go into a minor shock... but if she kept her cool and stayed awake... hopefully she could make it out alive.
Zorr felt his eyelids grow heavy, lowering slowly over his eyes. Suddenly, a weak, feminine voice rang in his head that caused him to get alert once more. It was one he had never heard of, that was for sure.
"I don't know where I am, all I see is white snow," Zorr rasped outloud as he felt more comfortable talking than thinking, never used to the idea of a psychic wolf probing his mind. She wanted him to do a loud noise. But, how? All he could do was bark but that might take up more of his oxygen. Then a thought struck him, there was still oxygen in his snow chamber. Enough to fuel his fire and melt down the snow, but he would have to work quickly or else he would die of suffocation before he could fully melt a hole away.
"Whoever you are, don't worry. We'll get out, I won't leave you behind."He promised, looking upward as if to speak to greater beings. Tensing up, Zorr felt a great amount of power coarse through him. His eyes flashed and in an instant, Zorr opened his muzzle wide and emitted a straight jet of flame into the roof, hoping it would eat away at the ice and snow. Please work, Zorr thought hopeful.