Artemis ~+~ "Zorr!" Her voice rose several octaves as she screamed his name as his mahogany pelt dissapeared into a sea of white. The Water wolf stood frozen, eyes wide in pure terror as the avalanche continued to rain down. Was the Alpha...? Did he...? Her heart fluttered in her chest at the though, but a fierce shake from her head was enough to shoo it away. Her muscles tensed as the wave of snow ended, and without thought about her safety, the huntress surged down the mountain, leaping from rock to rock and sliding down the loose snow when there were none. "Zorr? Zorr?" She called, trying to sniff out the Alpha. The moment she sensed the slightest bit of heat, she turned on the spot and began frantically digging. Yelping as the hole suddenly caved in, Artemis scrambled back to avoid the massive flame. Good. That meant he was alright. "Are you okay?"
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Hearing a faint voice, she couldn't quite make out what the words were, until a huge blast of warmth rushed over her body. 'Fire wolf' She figured, and it sprung a bit of hope into her body as the snow around her began to warm, but melt slowly. She must have been too far away to receive the full effect. Although close enough to feel his body warmth. Looking around frantically, she didn't know what to do.
Was Bugsy okay? Wishing she could teleport, the female let out a small whimper, scared to be left behind as the fire wolf could escape. She closed her eyes, attempting to teleport once again. With all of her strength, she still didn't budge.
"Oh please be alive Bugsy!" She said, in a worried tone. What if he passed away and her psychic powers were gone forever? What if that Fire Wolf didn't even hear her and was escaping on his own? She shivered from the thought; dying from lack of oxygen, trapped with no one to save her.
Adrenaline pumping, she emitted the only thing she felt she had left - a howl. Busting through her lungs, the voice of her calling traveled through the snow, and hopefully towards the others. Once she finished she gasped for breath as she felt like her oxygen was running low. She couldn't die here - no - she wouldn't!
Zorr felt his flame start to flicker out, turning into a small flame before dying out. Giving off puffs of smoke, Zorr let out a cough and looked up. It was a small effort, maybe he could dig his way up. Zorr still felt cramp and the inner walls were wet with melting snow, dripping down upon him to remind him of how cold it was. Shivering now, Zorr tried to twist around to try and dig up. There was a scratching sound above him. Was it the female voice from the wolf he heard earlier? Was it Apollo? Artemis?
Zorr felt a growing numbness incompass him and his breathing grew shallow. Zorr looked up and noticed the breaking away of snow. Clamping his eyes shut as a hole formed from above, spilling snow down upon his face. Then, he heard a voice, one that he recognized: Artemis.
"Artemis," Zorr called out faintly, "I'm down here, I'm alright now."He said, every breath brought him pain in his lungs. "Are you and Apollo alright and safe?" He asked, caring less about himself than the saftey of his pack. Next, he would have to make sure that one wolf that spoke through his mind was alright. For all he knew, she could've still been around nearby and the alpha wouldn't leave her behind as he promised.
Artemis ~+~ The Water wolf nodded in response to his question. "Yes. Apollo's safe. He's unconscious in a cave." Artemis tilted her head one way, then the other, trying to decide how and if Zorr could escape from the pit. He didn't sound too good, and it wasn't good for any element of wolf to be caught in the snow. " I'll help you out." Now... how was she supposed to do that? "If I shovel snow down, could you climb up?" It seemed to be the only possible thing she could do as she couldn't form much with it. Or maybe a ladder? She was sure she could freeze her own water...
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Zorr gave a sigh in relief as Artemis spoke of them being safe. Yes, Apollo may be knocked out but at least he was safe from harm's way. He began to shake violently under the cold weather. "I could try, make a ramp with the snow. I'll scrabble my way up." He called up, his eyes squinting as the sun hit his face.
Zorr squirmed around to make the packed snow around him loosen up a little for him to push past it and be able to crouch rather than be sprawled out in a position that could get him stuck.
Artemis ~+~ The Water wolf nodded in confirmation before delicately shoving the pile of snow she had dug back into the hole, but a little at a time so she didn't completely bury her Alpha. She almost wished that she had a different element, maybe Ice so she could freeze the snow, or maybe fire, so she could have helped Zorr melt the avalanche, or at least try to. But worrying about her element wouldn't do well in this situation. The best she could do after this would help Zorr up the mountain and into the save where he, Apollo, and she would sleep side by side to share body heat. Once she had pushed a good deal of snow into the pit, Artemis looked down. "Is that enough to work with, or do you want more?"
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Zorr tried to conserve his energy as Artemis got to work shoveling the snow back down. "I think that should be sufficient amount," He barked, before gripping the snow with his paws. It was a numb, tingling sensation as his paws were frozen with coldness. It stung when the circulation started to come back and the fire burning through his veins was starting to return. Little by little, Zorr gripped into the snow and pulled himself until he was able to freely crawl up the snow slope into freedom. Arriving at the top, Zorr took a large inhale of fresh air and looked at Artemis.
"Thank you, Artemis,"He said, dipping his head. His firey fur was coated with snow and ice, giving him a more lighter appearence, and it was sticking out in spikes. Giving himself a single shake to remove the looser snow on him, he felt almost a weight fall off his body.
"Check to see if your brother is alright, I have to find a wolf somewhere trapped in the snow," He explained, his legs feeling wobbly and having difficulty stepping around. Where would she be at,? She could be anywhere! "Have you escaped safely, wolf? If not, I can help you just tell me where you are?" Zorr called out in a raspy voice, hoping that she could hear him.
Artemis ~+~ The blue wolf stood, almost frozen to the thick layer of snow, her teeth chattering. She hadn't realized that she had been so cold until now, what with all the drama. She breifly nodded her head that could have been mistaken for a twitch. "No p-problem." Pulling in a sharp breath, Artemis was hesitant to leave the Alpha, but did what he said anyway, slolwy picking her way up to the cave that held her brother. She pulled herself onto the ledge and stiffly made her way to the cave to check up on Apollo. He was breathing shallowly, and was slowly shaking. The Water wolf sighed and went to lay near him, curcling protectively around him. Ohh...he was so warm, and it made her want to fall asleep...
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Ears perked up as she heard the snow rumble, she tried not to panic as she heard the male call for her after he had sounded more at a higher level - he must be free! Whimpering, she heard him talking quietly and somehow it seemed to get louder.
"I'm here! Don't leave me please!" She called up to the male, who had practically been standing right ontop of her at some meraculous luck. She tried to howl, but it was short, for her breaths were becoming short as well, and her oxygen supply was running out.
Trying to calm herself down to save the air in her enclosed chamber the female waited, listening carefully for some sign of life and hope from above.
Zorr felt the rushing of wind around him, throwing him off balance once or twice due to weak strength. He heard something, pressing his ears forward and straining to hear anything. It was a small howl-like call right beneath him. Oh, what luck that she was nearby.
Zorr quickly hopped off of where he was standing, causing him to sink into the snow where he landed up to his knees. He would get out of this later, he needed to get her out. Or at least give her oxygen and then get her out. Squaring his shoulders, Zorr felt a pressure deep within him before he opened his muzzle. A stream of red flames flickered out toward the surrounding area of where he was previously standing.
The fire ate away at the snow, since there was an overabundance of snow it was taking away to burn away. He needed a faster method. Zorr trudged his way over and set his paws into a blue blaze before using every ounce of strength to dig. The fire on his paws were making the snow much easier to plow through.
As he dug farther, the wolf's scent was easier to figure out. He didn't know how much farther he would have to dig until he hit a certain area before there was a small opening in front of him.
"Are you in there?" He called out, his tongue hanging out of his mouth in a small pant.
Aeris paniced as she felt the previous warmth strike her again. Hoping the male wouldn't accidentaly heat her up, she held her breath as smoke began to fill her cave from the snow burning it out. Coughing, she gasped as she saw a hole above her.
Another lucky sight as she visualized light peering onto her back. Thank goodness the male had began to save her, and although she was deep down in the snow, and the hole she was buried in was only big enough to wiggle around, she managed to twist herself and make her head face the hole rather than her rump.
Sticking her maw through the opening, she gasped for breath. "Oh thank you!" She cried up to the male, "I'm here! and I'm okay! Can you help me out please?!" She begged. Sure, the male had found her and the deed could end from there, but there was no way Aeris held enough energy to dig out of the small opening at this point.
Zorr heard movement coming from the hole in the snow. He stumbled backwards and craned his head to get a better look. The only thing that helped him realize the movement was a wolf was the texture of each white surface and the faint hue of lavender. As her muzzle poked through, Zorr felt a great strength surge through him as he at least found her and she was alive.
"Yes, I'll help you out. Wouldn't want you stuck down there," He commented, "I'll try my best."
Zorr let his fire go out into whispy smoke as he didn't want to smother her with harsh smoke or burn her. It was old-fashioned digging time. Zorr set to work by scrabbling against the snow pile, pushing large snow balls out of the way so it wouldn't collapse in. His breathing was heavy from exertion but he continued. He would have to get her out.
Closing her eyes as snow piled in, Aeris was happy to breath the fresh cool air, even if she breathed in small flakes of snow from the digging.
Lowering herself to the floor, she attempted to give the male as much room as possible to dig. She held her breath, snow was piling down on her, but it was better than a firm roof.
Finally, after waiting for awhile, she felt as if she could help. Able to reach her head through the hole, she tried to reach a paw through, pulling the snow to her feet. She took a moment to glance at the male, in which she was rather surprised.
He had a good build, nice eyes, and a determined physique. Fire element, which was always hot, litterally, and a nice looking coat. She had never seen him around the mountains though. Normally fire wolves don't like the cold, or so she presumed considering she had never met one before.
Already greatful for his help, Aeris squirmed to break free. It definitely wouldn't be too long, she already had her chest clear through the packed snow. The smile never leaving her face, she watched this wonderful male risk his life to save hers. She would need to thank him... but how? She had never even communicated with another for atleast a year, if that.
Artemis ~+~ Shaking her head, the azure wolf stood shakily, trying not to fall asleep. But she had, she knew, because she felt so drowsy. For a few moments she kept her ground, swaying gently from side to side while her head drooped from exaughstion. How long had she been asleep? Wa Zorr still looking for the wolf he mentioned? Taking small steps, the Water wolf delicately made her way out of the cave and gazed down. Huh. Looked like Zorr had found whoever he was looking for. Taking her time down the slope, Artemis eventually made it down and walked up to the pair. She didn't smile only because her brain wasn't fully working correctly. "Greetings. My name is Artemis and look a bit cold. My brother is up in that-" Her blue-furred head twisted to look up the mountain a little ways. "That cave. Woul you and Zorr like to join us?"
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Finally having all fours on the ground was an incredible feeling, and Aeris was soaking life in as the female approached unexpectingly. Jumping back a bit, Aeris listened to the female speak, and thought for a moment. She did feel cold, considering her legs were numb, along with her tail and nose.. and almost everything else. But.. she needed to do something first.
"I would love too," She said, nodding her head, hoping not to make a wrong move to annoy the male or female, "But first, I must find Bugsy,"She didn't know if these wolves had made a feast out of her helper now, but she prayed that he would still be alive.
Turning to the male, who Artemis had called Zorr, she smiled at him. "Thank you so much for helping me, Zorr."She said, looking into his eyes with sincerity. "I really have no idea how to make it up to you, but, as soon as I find Bugsy we can try and figure something out,"She smiled at him. Without giving him time to answer, Aeris quickly dashed off, ignoring the pain in her feet from the coldness, she needed Bugsy, and she needed him now.
Sniffing throught the nearby trees, Aeris kept wide eyes as she attempted to find her large-eyed friend. "How far can a stupid monkey travel?" She said aloud.
"HEY! I heard that!" A familiar voice rang through Aeris's ears, "Bugsy?"She turned towards the voice, only to see Bugsy sitting not to far away from her.
"BUGSY!" She screeched with joy, running and tackling him to the ground, practically giving him a whip lash. Covering him with licks and nuzzles, the small marsupial finally had had enough.
"Alright alright, I'm fine sheesh! I was worried 'bout you though! what happened?"
Aeris smiled, lifting the little creature up onto her back, "Well, the snow came piling down.. and there was this male.." She began her story, as she walked back to Zorr and Artemis.
"So he saved your life?" Bugsy asked as Aeris finished her story, sitting now infront of Zorr and Artemis.
"Why, yes he did," Aeris smiled up at her helper, who was now sitting on her head. She looked back to Zorr and Artemis, giving them a familiar nod.
"If you would like, I would love to accompany you two in the cave," She said, the pain in her feet had died down a bit from running so much, but they were still extremely cold.
Artemis ~+~ The she-wolf nodded faintly at the new female's acceptance and at her condition, to which she bowed her head again. "Surely." It was probably to find her helper. Speaking of her own, she was glad Solstice was not with her at the moment. The poor little thing would have died of a heart attack. "Zorr, are you still alright? Are you hungry or cold or-?" Artemis' voice was soft and she tried to hold her eyes open. It was draining work and her energy was quickly draining. It took the huntress a good few moments to react when the female came back, Helper at paw. "Oh, yes, I'll take you there," she murmured, stiffly stumbling away. Water wolves weren't meant to be in such cold conditions. Artemis was nearly midway when she realized that she had forgotten something. "Zorr, are you comming?"
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Zorr turned to look at Artemis, clearly she wasn't herself due to the cold. He would have to get warm and back to the pack as soon as possible. No, He needed to get everyone back as soon as possible. Zorr had been here too long and he feared about his pack and what was happening. An itchy feeling crawled along his back and the thought.
Zorr gave a small shake of his head, "No need to make it up, it's the least I could do. Wouldn't want you left behind for death," He replied with chattering teeth.
As the female left in search for her helper, Zorr turned to Artemis. "I should be alright, I'm more worried about your state." He said, his eyes showing deep concern.
As the white female approuched once more with her helper on her head, Zorr nodded his head. "Yes, let us regain our energies inside the cave. I'm sure it's warmer than being out here in this harsh climate."He said, noticing Artemis was stumbling. Zorr quickly went to her side and pressed his heated fur against her's in an effort to warm her up and assist her back to the cave. He turned his head to make sure the female was fine.
Reluctantly, she followed the two. Now feeling a horrible tinge of guilt, she realised this avalanche was all of her fault, and the state of these two's conditions would have never happened, had she not slipped. She really needed to make it up - to the both of them. Catching up with Zorr and Artemis, Aeris stood next to Artemis, pushing herself into her side as to help with support, similar to what Zorr was doing. She hoped the cave wasn't too far away, and hoped whoever her brother was, didn't suffer from anything like Artemis was. "You sure your alright?" She asked her.
Bugsy looked around as they walked, checking out the place. It looked like winter alright, pure white everywhere from the avalanche, and if he were to walk, the snow would be up to his neck with no doubt. Holding onto Aeris's fur with one hand for support, and the other rubbing her ear, Bugsy made his silent help to make Aeris feel a tad bit better, knowing that she must feel horrible.
Artemis ~+~ Midnight-blue eyes grew dreary and attempted to keep themselves open while the wind continued to sting them. Artemis shivered violently at the sudden warmth, having realized now how cold she must have been, and how cold it still was. "I-I-I'm f-f-fi-ine," she unsuccessfully tried to convince Zorr, teeth clicking together like a pair of casenets. The huntress didn't want to burdon the Alpha, but leaned into him nonetheless as her body longed for the heat his so readily gave. Once a second body joined the sandwich, her head inclined her way a bit to allow her to gaze at Aeris. "Thank you."
Once in the cave, it took her a moment to realize that her brother was up and on his feet, with every breath he exhaled, flame shot from his mouth and licked the rock beneath him. "Heh. I thought you guys might like it warmer than this," he joked weakly and kept heating the rock. "Hey, Sis, who's the pretty fae?" Apollo grinned broadly, despite the pain from his wounds at the white wolf. His old personna came back and he dared wink a fiery orange eye in her direction. "A-ap-p-pollo, this" Her mind couldn't think right. Her fiery brother dipped his head, wincing from the pain it caused him. "Right. That should be enough for ya." He stood back to let the other wolves pick and choose where they wanted to sleep.
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
As they approached the cave, Aeris noticed a male blowing fire onto a rock, which made the entire cave linger with warmth. Listening to Artemis try to introduce herself, Areis quickly finished her sentence,"My name is Aeris," She said, softly. She too was weak, one from the plain out avalanche, and two from trying to support Artimis the best she could while her feet ached with a feeling close to frost bite. But, she would prevail in hopes of saving the two wolves she put in danger in the first place.
"Thank you again for inviting me here,"Aeris said, staying by Artemis's side incase she needed help lying down somewhere, leading her close to the heat. Bugsy jumped down and planted his rump on the ground, the warmth still reaching him enough to be snug.
Aeris glanced at Zorr, then at the other male, who she heard Artemis say his name, but couldn't quite make it out by the chattering."Do you all live up here in this cave?" She asked, unable to figure out how she had never bumped into them before.
Zorr turned his head and a smile formed at Aeris's kindness of helping Artemis back to the cave. His head was lowered, looking toward the ground to try and keep the flurries from blinding him. Approuching the cave, he felt the familiar warmth of flames. "Thank you, Apollo," He rasped out, giving off a bout of coughing. Zorr stood shaking, making sure that Artemis had settled down before he would do anything. He would fill in where ever he was needed for his element could make it nice and toasty for all. It helped that Apollo was a fire wolf, aswell.
His gaze slid over to Aeris as she asked a question. Zorr slid down into a sitting position for the time being, it felt good to sit down. Shaking his fur from the snow, letting it melt into a puddle at his paws. "No, We are from Sera Pack which is over near the meadows just near the mountains. I am alpha of the pack, Artemis and I have traveled to make sure Apollo, here, was safe since he was gone far too long to make us worried." He explained, wrapping his tail around his white paws.
"Do you live up here in these mountains?" He ventured to ask her.
"Oh my sir, I'm so sorry!"She said, "I didn't know you were an Alpha! Please don't think I'm dishonorable!" She lowererd her head to him, Crap. Not only did I put him through an Avalanche, I could have made a whole pack come after me, She thought. Feeling bad still, she tried to remember how to be respectable to an Alpha, it had been years though, and all she recalled was keeping her head low.
Doing so, she listened to his next question. "I.. I do actually," She said, thinking about her home. "Its rather lonley up here sometimes, though." She admitted, trying to show them how nice it was to have some company. "I've been here my whole life, actually. Popped out of mama, lived with her and papa up here, but.. now its just me." Her ears lowered to support her inner saddness towards losing her parents, but she perked up quickly, not wanting to bring anyone else down with her.
-- Edited by Emily on Saturday 27th of November 2010 05:10:37 PM
Zorr let a sideways grin show on his muzzle. "Aeris, there is no need to be sorry," He replied, shaking his head slowly back and forth. "You have given me no reason to think you dishonorable. You have showed much kindness towards my pack member and for that, I am grateful."
Zorr slowly slid himself lower to the ground into a laying position. Crossing his front paws together in an elegant fashion before letting his eyes cast outwards as she spoke of living up in this frosty weather. "It seems lonely, I have yet to see another wolf up on here besides yourself."He pointed out from his observations. "Do you always plan on living up here in this rough enviornment?" He asked, knowing that he hated this type of place. He prefered his pack's territory, it was well suited for himself. Which reminded him that he needed to get back to his pack as soon as his other members were well enough to make the journey.
She shrugged, "Oh.. I don't know.." She said, thinking about leaving her childhood.
"I've never been anywhere else.. I'd get lost for one.. and two.. I'd miss it here, except for the avalanches that is.." She grinned a bit, turning her head to look at Zorr now.
"Whats it like at your pack? I don't really know anything.. about anything!" She giggled and tried to picture a group of wolves all huddled together in a cave.
Bugsy noticed that Aeris had settled, and quickly traveled over to her side, snuggling into her fur. It was so warm and toasty in this cave, it didn't take too long for him to fall asleep.
Artemis + Apollo ~+~ The Water wolf shivered and dropped down, exaughsted and half-frozen onto the warm rock, blue coat standing up in a frizz-ball as her skin prickled. Her brother smiled and plopped down beside her, wrapping her up with his big fluffy tail. He licked at the snow on her head and lay his neck over hers. "Aeris? Hm. That's a pretty name for a pretty female. Ah, I'm Apollo. Y'know, like the god of the sun. Hehe. I wasn't sure you could understand Arty." The sister beneath him just sighed heavily, eyes closed in sleep, still shivering despite the heat. "Thanks for saving my kid sister, Aeris." The fiery male yawned a bit and listened to the conversation of the two wolves. Man. Living up here was harsh, especially when it was so cold like this. "Dang, girl. You got guts. Half the pack would freeze up here." It was true. On a good day, he could survive up here, but he hated the feeling of snow. It was disgusting. Exhaling slowly, the warrior breathed tongues of fire that licked over the stone to keep it heated. "Sera? It's beautiful. There's a large green meadow and lots of trees, and there's a brook... It's not up here, that's for sure."
-- Edited by Shomei on Sunday 28th of November 2010 06:12:59 PM
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Her ears perked at the other male spoke of Sera, and her having guts. She beamed at that, and smiled at him. "Well, I try.. but I do get cold, I actually have a nice cave that if I lay in one spot long enough, it warms up." She thought about how well she could tolerate the snow. Looking at Artimis, it became clear. Aeris was stuck beneath the snow for awhile, and only came out with cold feet and a small chatter.
She imagined the picture Apollo stuck in her head. "It sounds pretty but..whats a meadow?" She asked, didn't sound familiar to her, all she knew of was mountains.
Zorr had been dozing in and out of his small nap, trying to regain his energy. Knowing that they were alright have relieved him for the moment, allowing him to release his tension. His ears swivled as he heard Aeris's question, blinking his eyes open for a moment. "A meadow? It's a mostly flat, grassy peice of land. When the wildflowers bloom, it's quite beautiful, I must admit." He explained before slowly letting his eye lids close. He was still listening and awake, just letting his eyes get some rest.
She tried to imagine this in her head, but couldn't quite figure it out. "I'd have to see it to believe it," She shrugged, glancing at Bugsy for a moment. Her eyes felt heavy as she saw him snooze, and she tried to resist falling asleep. She didn't know these wolves well enough and was worried about drifting away with no defense. Not that she expected them to hurt her, she was just being precautious.
Allowing her eyes to shut, she fought that drowzy feeling and forced herself to re-open them, noticing that the Alpha too, was resting his eyes. "I never caught your name,"She said, remembering Artemis mentioning his name, but never fully catching it. Awaiting his answer was the only thing keeping her awake at this point.
Zorr slowly opened his eyes, "My name is Zorr," He replied simply. He could see the heaviness that she held in her eyes. The alpha let out a loose yawn, this cave was exceptionally warm compared to the outside. The fire wolf slowly rose to his paws, arching his back to stretch at the same time. His head turned to look out and noticed that the sky was clear and bright, despite the cloudiness of it all.
He looked over at Artemis and Apollo, then at Aeris. As much as he wanted to stay and talk to Aeris and learn more about her, he had to get back to his pack. It was his duty. It would make it easy to get back to the pack with this nice weather. Giving a short sigh, Zorr spoke up.
"Apollo, Artemis," He started, "Are you two ready for the journey home?"
He turned to Aeris, "I'm sorry that we have to leave, I hope that we could run into each other again. If you'd like to visit us or see the meadow, you are more than welcomed to stop by in Sera."He extended out his offer, knowing that they would all enjoy her company once more. Zorr was quite sure that Apollo would probably love that offer, seeing how he chose to flirt with Aeris, so.
Apollo ~+~ The Fire wolf hid a faint smile. Yeah, that was what a meadow was in a nutshell. Clsoing his eyes, he could almost imagine the green of it all. But it was winter, so that dream was short lived. "Dunno, Zorr. I'm game to try, but uh..." He arched his neck to look down at his sister. She was still sleeping soundly. "I dunno about Artemis."
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Zorr turned to look at Artemis sleeping. He nodded his head as he turned back to Apollo. "It's better for her to rest, I don't want to wake her up. We'll just wait until she awakes from her slumber." He commented, lowering himself down to sit down as he didn't know how much time they would have to wait.
Aeris nodded as Zorr spoke, her eyes heavy, and filled with a bittersweet emotion. She didn't want her new friends to depart just yet, it had been months since she last communicated with another, and this was a chance she felt like she needed to take advantage of. But, on the other hand, she was exhausted.. and although the three could sleep soundly, she still didn't trust them enough to let her guard down, even if they saved her life . . . it was just too risky for her bad trust problems.
Her ears perked up at the other male spoke, and her eyes sent a glance at Artemis, she seemed exhausted. . . was she trapped in the snow aswell? Aeris lowered her ears, but lifted her head up, as to speak.
"I-I'm sorry about the avalanche..." She said softly, her eyes glancing to Apollo, then Zorr. "I-it was an accident.."
Apollo ~+~ "Hey, babe, thats alright. It was an accident. You didn't know we were down there. It could have happened to anyone." Apollo managed a wide grin and lowered his head to sandwich his sister's, bright oragne eyes still held fast to Aeris. "It's not your fault, so don't worry."
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Her eyes traveled to Apollo, giving him a sad nod, but still feeling bad. "I slipped though, it was my fault.. I started the whole thing. . ."She said, sad eyes going to the ground as she let out a sad huff.
Thinking for awhile, she seemed to be in debate. "I think I'm tired of the mountains,"She said finally after a long moment of silence. Her eyes lifted, catching Apollos stare. For a moment, she felt her stomach twist, not knowing if it was from his deep stare, or if it was from what she was about to say.
"I. . . Um, I'd like. . ." She cleared her throat, "Can I come see the Meadow?" She finally spit out, her eyes filling with hope, "I'd like to see what its like out there. . .beyond the mountains,"She spoke again after a deep breath, her smile beginning to form a bit from her request.
Zorr turned to look at Aeris, "No, it was an accident. No need to apologize. It's not like you planned this all out." He reassured her, arching his maroon back into a stretch. His ears lifted up at Aeris's request. "Of course, I wouldn't mind at all. There's quite a bit out there that's different from the mountain enviornment," He answered, giving his head a brief nod as if to agree with himself.
Zorr pushed up to walk to the entrence of the shelter and just stared outside at the crisp weather. His fur had still retained his spiky looking fur from the way it dried. He lowered his chin to give his chest a few licks in an attempt to straighten it before looking back outside.
She practically rose to her feet in excitement, "Oh! Wonderful!" She exclaimed, blushing a bit from her outburst and collecting herself once again in a sitting position. She glanced at Artemis, hopeing she would awaken soon for she couldn't wait to get out and explore, always too afraid to go alone. Maybe this meadow would be a safe place to slumber. . .especially if her new friends were there to protect her.
Zorr turned his head to look at Aeris once more, smiling at her enthusiasm. Hopefully the meadow met her expectations and didn't disappoint her. He gave a mild shake of his head in amusement before looking back outside. They needed to get going, he was starting to get ansty and his patience was almost wearing thin. The alpha was actually surprised on how he hadn't already lost it, as it was quite common of him. Giving an exaspherated sigh, he pawed a small stone out into the snow.
Apollo ~+~ The Fire wolf couldn't help but give him famous wolfy grin at Aeris' request. That was good, then she woulnd't be lonely and stuck up on this wretched mountian. He hated all of the snow and the ice and such. "Hope you like it. Of course, there's not much to look at now, but in the spring, it's beautiful. Lots of flowers." Apollo arched his neck and licked the top of his sister's head, trying to tame the bit of fur that stuck-up. He gave a defeated sigh and looked back up at the Alpha and snickered. "Hey, Zorr. Chill." But he knew he was getting anxious. Pulling in a breath, he gently nudged Artemis. Slowly, her eyes opened and her paws skittered over the rock in an attempt to get onto her feet. Apollo nearly jumped back to avoid getting run into. After a quick shake, the blue wolf stood firm, the nap seeming to help her condition. "Did I...Did I miss anything?" She asked slowly, going back over to stand by her brother's warm side. He smiled. "Nah. Aeris is just gunna join the pack. No biggie." "Oh, really? How wonderful," Artemis smiled warmly at the other female before realizing the horrible state she was in. It appeared as if a cat had drug her in, so she began licking fiercly at herself to somehow save her appearance.
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
She giggled, "Anything will be more beautiful then these damn mountains," She smiled, deciding not to look extra dumb and ask what a flower was. She'd figure it out eventually. Ears perked though as she heard Apollo say she was joining the pack, and Aeris paused for a moment. What was she getting herself into? Was she 'pack' material? She gulped for a moment, hoping this wasn't going to be a bad decision. . . so many things happening at once, oh how she wished she took that nap she would have had a chance for before.
Apollo ~+~ "Hey, take it easy. You don't have to join if you don't want to." Apollo shrugged, attempting to hide the wince that came of it. True, he had healed over the past few days, but he wasn't completely healed. "But hey, y'know, the invitation is open. Not that I can speak for the pack, but..."
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Zorr's ears tilted backwards and he let off a small annoyed growl in his throat at Apollo. He knew it was the fire wolf's personality, which is why he let it slack. Zorr didn't want Apollo to get the idea that just because they weren't on pack lands that he could say anything he pleased. Which reminded him that he still needed to punish Apollo for his act that he had confessed to that could cause future problems between Sera and Ronoh.
Hearing the red wolf jump the gun in assuming that Aeris wanted to join the pack. Zorr shook his head and turned around, "She never mentioned of joining the pack, just to see the meadow." He pointed out softly.
Seeing that Artemis was up and he gave a brief nod. His body grew less tense, they could finally hit the adventure back. "Are you ready to set off, Artemis?" He asked the hunter.
She felt some tension between the two males, and inched back a bit. Conversation was something she hadn't done in awhile, let alone deal with any drama. Giving a small huff, she knew it was time to get her blood pumping before she undoubtly passed out where she was standing, so in responce she stretched and exited the cave.
"I'm ready whenever you all are," Aeris said as she squinted her eyes towards the sunlight. The breeze picked up aswell, causing her to shiver from the old warmth exiting her body at such a quick pace.
Walking in a circle, light on her feet and at a quick pace, Aeris began to wake herself up. Hopefully this meadow was soft and lushious as she imagined, for she was ready to finally take a nap.
Apollo + Artemis ~+~ The fire wolf frowned slightly, ears pressing against his head. He knew it was proabably a bad idea the moment he said it, so why did he say it in the first place? Apollo heaved a heavy sigh and nibbled his lip. Yeah, this wasn't going well, and so he just stayed quiet. Artemis sank low and then arched her back in a stretch before settling back onto her paws. She nodded towards the Alpha and trotted to the mouth of the cave, her brother following at her heels obediantly.
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Zorr nodded back to Artemis before walked finally outside into the crisp weather. He lifted his head and looked to the sky. The weather was clear, but he guessed that it would start to snow once more. Zorr wanted to be well out of the mountains when that happened, just in case for another blizzard or avalanche to occur. He started at a slow trot as he walked past Aeris.
"Time to return home to Sera," He called out, his tail lifting up high. With that, he started at a nice even pace before speeding up every so often in eagerment to return home. Stopping every so often to look back and slow down or to shuffle saftly down a steep, rocky slope.
Artemis ~+~ Dipping her head once again, the huntress trailed after her alpha, stopping when he did, and speeding up when he did. "Thank you, Zorr, for comming to save Apollo with me. It means a lot." Artemis offered a smile and looked over her shoulder after her brother. The reality came back to hit her and her gaze lowered. Then, in a very quiet voice, she asked the question she dreaded to answer. "What's going to happen to my brother?"
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Zorr kept his gaze focused onward, not looking at Artemis as she spoke. He was determined to get to his pack as soon as possible. "Your quite welcome, Artemis. I didn't want you venturing out here alone and it's the least I could do for my pack members to make sure they are safe." He responded, taking a moment for his gaze to slide over to Artemis before looking forward once more.
"I'm uncertain as to what will happen to Apollo, I won't kick him from the pack for his ill-doings. So, you don't have to fear that much. I'll have to think a few things over before I come to a final decision."He said in a lower voice to the water wolf. Skidding down a small slope, before nearing the bottom of the mountain at last.
Artemis ~+~ The she-wolf let out a faint sigh of relief at the Alpha's dictation, heart slowly sinking back from her throat. "Thank you for your mercy." Any other leader, and Apollo would have been kicked out from the pack, or become an omega, or worse, but Zorr was merciful indeed. Artemis paused atop a boulder, gazing down a the earth beneath her. She was glad to be rid of the mountain. A last glance over her shoulder caught Apollo lagging behind. Sapphire eyes softening, the huntress padded back over to her older brother adn offered him her shoulder. Apollo gratefully took it but was careful not to rest too heavily upon his sister. "I really screwed up, huh?" Skeptical blue eyes was his answer. "Yes, you did, but it's alright. I know you, Apollo, and you wouldn't normally do anything of the like. I'm not sure what punishment Zorr has for you, but whatever it is, I'll be there for you." Apollo nearly fell over, and stared wide-eyed at his blue-toned sister. "Really?" Artemis nodded. "Yes, really."
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
She followed the group silently, thinking to herself more than anything else. As she hopped off the last rock, she felt like she was saying goodbye to her old life. The three continued on, but now Aeris stopped, and turned around to view her mountains.
"Well, Bugsy," She said to the critter who had climbed on her back before they left, "It looks like we're going to start a new life. Are you ready?" She took a deep breath.
"YES!!!"Bugsy said, noticing the heartless stare Aeris blasted at him as his small hands raised to the gods, "Uh, I mean, Yes, I'm ready Aeris.. Sometimes its good for a change,"He said, 'And other times, its nice to be a monkey that doesn't live in snow,' he smiled when she looked back to the mountains, patting her back as he thought about lounging in a pool of warm water by a meadow.
Aeris took a deep breath, "Goodbye, Mom and Dad. I promise I'll come back to visit, just.. don't let anything happen to my home, oh, and keep me safe too.."She said looking at the mountains one last time, before turning around and scurrying off to catch up with her newbound friends.
Growling, the female glared in the eyes of her next victum. She watched as it froze in place, seemingly unable to move. Concentrating, Lupita conducted volts of electricity through the mammal infront of her, onto to keep it looking as though it was in shock, but in reality it was paralized. Fangs baring, she gave her victum the deathly image of a pissed off wolf, glaring into the eyes of her next kill. It wasn't long till she snarled, and the small snow fox fell limp to the ground.
"That'll teach you to try and steal my kill," She said, glaring at the limp creature before her. She looked down at her meal, which was half stolen from the damn fox. It was a good thing it was only a jack rabbit and not a big deal in hunting to her.
Approaching the fox, she watched as its eyes batted around, locking on her with a frightened expression. She smiled deviously, placing her paw on the fox's forehead. No, she didn't believe a punishment deserved a painless shock of death, a good painful way to go was the way she saw it.
"Next time you'll think twice before you take a wolves kill,"She snarled, glaring at the fox as it started to make screeching noises from the pressure she placed on it's head. Oh no, she didn't kill it. After crushing it underneath her paw, she left it there to suffer. Maybe it would live, or maybe something else would have an easy kill, but she didn't care . . .Let it live in pain, Because that was Lupita, and Lupita was never easy.
Vierro's ears perked in interest as he heard a animals squeals of pain. He motioned for V to wait a moment as he ventured out. His eyebrow raised in interest as he was a black yellow and white wolf torturing a fox. He had a sly grin as he approached her with a curious expression "Hello, umm your not having any problems are you?" Vierro wasn't genuinely concerned with how she was faring he was just curious about this wolf in general. Veneno peeked from over his wolfs head his little tounge darting back and forth.